
Lok Dhaba is a project of the Trivedi Center for Political Data, a research center led by faculty members in the Political Science and Computer Science Departments at Ashoka University.

Lok Dhaba's interface has been developed with open source tools such as R, Shiny, Plotly, Leaflet, data tables and rgdal. Our maps are originally from DataMeet and have been cleaned and treated in-house. The Lok Dhaba software itself is open source under a Apache 2.0 license and is available from our Github page.


The current lead developer for the Lok Dhaba software is Mohit Kumar, who is a Data Scientist and GIS Engineer at TCPD. Much data collection, cleaning, analysis and testing has been carried by out Saloni Bhogale, Basim Nissa and Priyamvada Trivedi. Many students and interns have also contributed to Lok Dhaba.

Past members: Dr. Chinmay Narayan, Rajkamal Singh and Venkat Prasath.

See more about the TCPD team. You can write to us at tcpd-contact@ashoka.edu.in.